“Going Green” in Greensburg, Kansas

As reported by The Morning Sun, ten picnic tables made from recycled tires have been placed at Greensburg’s Davis Park. This is just one of many environmentally-conscious initiatives taken in the city, as “going green” has become a community effort.

In addition, “This shelter can be used by the community for a variety of events. It’s nice that it’s located in the center of town and on the same block as the swimming pool,” said Stacy Barnes, Greensburg City Administrator. “We are working on further development for that park to include playground equipment.”

Why recycled tires?

Interestingly, the tables themselves have an unusual backstory as they were purchased in part by a grant from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment Waste Tire Grant Program. This grant paid for half of the cost of the ten new picnic tables that were put in the shelter earlier this month. You can learn more about this grant program here

“These tables from Champlin Tire Recycling, Inc. are 100% recycled plastic and rubber composition, which makes these products durable, low maintenance, and weather resistant,” according to the City of Greensburg, KS, Facebook page. 

Longer-lasting, reusable products make for a sustainable existence, in addition to the advantages mentioned above. And these are just some of the many benefits that come from recycling and repurposing, done at its very finest through multiple public channels, all as a contribution to the planet that serves us daily. 

Town-Wide Eco-friendly Initiatives

Some other additions to this area of town include 50 trees, which were planted to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the horrific tornado that hit town in 2007. These trees will provide shade to future visitors.

In fact, the new picnic shelter has been in the works for since the fall of 2018. The Greensburg City Council approved the purchase of the picnic shelter structure, which was then constructed by city employees.

Going green, whether as an individual, a business or a community, has lasting and positive repercussions. Greensburg, Kansas, is proof of that, and their city name couldn’t be more fitting. 

Source Name: The Morning Sun

Source URL: https://www.morningsun.net/news/20200930/picnic-shelter-features-tables-made-from-recycled-tires

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