How to Turn Your Car Green

Every one of us uses a car on almost a daily basis.  Due to this, they are one of the first things we should make an effort to turn green.  Although all you hear about is how car pollution hurts the environment and the ozone, helping minimize this effect can be easier than you think.  Here are some tips to help make your car greener, and maybe save you a little bit of money in the process.

Drive Smart

One of the easiest ways to cut down on pollution is to drive smart.  Going the speed limit, aside from keeping you safe, helps you burn considerably less gas.  Combining trips can save you having to drive back and forth from your home to your errands.

If you are taking a long trip, utilize cruise control, it will help you burn less gas by maintaining the same speed.  Not accelerating rapidly from stops is yet another way to conserve on gas and make your car a little greener.

Let in a Breeze

This is the perfect time of the year to shut off the A/C and roll down the window.  During these warm months, it is prime time to just let the wind flow and cool the car naturally. Another easy way to use less A/C is by parking in the shade.  Staying in the shade keeps your car cooler while you are away, minimizing the air conditioning you need to blast through the vents when you return.  Cutting down on the air conditioning use saves on gas and preserves our fossil fuels.

Maintain Your Car

Keeping your car in proper condition can help you save gas and be more green.  If you make sure you have proper tire pressure it will help you save on gas and limit the amount of emissions you give off.  If every American kept their tires properly inflated it would save around 2 billion dollars in gas every year.

Another way to use less gas and release fewer emissions is by replacing the radiator caps.  New radiator caps allow the cooling system to operate at a higher temperature before boiling over, which allows the system to run more efficiently, reducing emissions.

An often overlooked way to use less gas is by making your car lighter.  Clean out the trash and empty the trunk.  The less miscellaneous stuff you are carrying around the lighter your car will be, and the less gas you will have to burn.


It has been said time and again, yet it still rings true, carpooling is the easiest way to save on gas and help protect the environment.  No matter if you drive with coworkers to your job, with friends to a weekend getaway, or with your family to dinner on the town even, every little bit will help.  With rotating whose turn it is to drive, you can make sure that everyone saves on gas and helps out the planet at the same time.Every one of us uses a car on almost a daily basis.  Due to this, they are one of the first things we should make an effort to turn green.  Although all you hear about is how car pollution hurts the environment and the ozone, helping minimize this effect can be easier than you think.  Here are some tips to help make your car greener, and maybe save you a little bit of money in the process.

Drive Smart

One of the easiest ways to cut down on pollution is to drive smart.  Going the speed limit, aside from keeping you safe, helps you burn considerably less gas.  Combining trips can save you having to drive back and forth from your home to your errands.

If you are taking a long trip, utilize cruise control, it will help you burn less gas by maintaining the same speed.  Not accelerating rapidly from stops is yet another way to conserve on gas and make your car a little greener.

Let in a Breeze

This is the perfect time of the year to shut off the A/C and roll down the window.  During these warm months, it is prime time to just let the wind flow and cool the car naturally. Another easy way to use less A/C is by parking in the shade.  Staying in the shade keeps your car cooler while you are away, minimizing the air conditioning you need to blast through the vents when you return.  Cutting down on the air conditioning use saves on gas and preserves our fossil fuels.

Maintain Your Car

Keeping your car in proper condition can help you save gas and be more green.  If you make sure you have proper tire pressure it will help you save on gas and limit the amount of emissions you give off.  If every American kept their tires properly inflated it would save around 2 billion dollars in gas every year.

Another way to use less gas and release fewer emissions is by replacing the radiator caps.  New radiator caps allow the cooling system to operate at a higher temperature before boiling over, which allows the system to run more efficiently, reducing emissions.

An often overlooked way to use less gas is by making your car lighter.  Clean out the trash and empty the trunk.  The less miscellaneous stuff you are carrying around the lighter your car will be, and the less gas you will have to burn.


It has been said time and again, yet it still rings true, carpooling is the easiest way to save on gas and help protect the environment.  No matter if you drive with coworkers to your job, with friends to a weekend getaway, or with your family to dinner on the town even, every little bit will help.  With rotating whose turn it is to drive, you can make sure that everyone saves on gas and helps out the planet at the same time.Every one of us uses a car on almost a daily basis.  Due to this, they are one of the first things we should make an effort to turn green.  Although all you hear about is how car pollution hurts the environment and the ozone, helping minimize this effect can be easier than you think.  Here are some tips to help make your car greener, and maybe save you a little bit of money in the process.

Drive Smart

One of the easiest ways to cut down on pollution is to drive smart.  Going the speed limit, aside from keeping you safe, helps you burn considerably less gas.  Combining trips can save you having to drive back and forth from your home to your errands.

If you are taking a long trip, utilize cruise control, it will help you burn less gas by maintaining the same speed.  Not accelerating rapidly from stops is yet another way to conserve on gas and make your car a little greener.

Let in a Breeze

This is the perfect time of the year to shut off the A/C and roll down the window.  During these warm months, it is prime time to just let the wind flow and cool the car naturally. Another easy way to use less A/C is by parking in the shade.  Staying in the shade keeps your car cooler while you are away, minimizing the air conditioning you need to blast through the vents when you return.  Cutting down on the air conditioning use saves on gas and preserves our fossil fuels.

Maintain Your Car

Keeping your car in proper condition can help you save gas and be more green.  If you make sure you have proper tire pressure it will help you save on gas and limit the amount of emissions you give off.  If every American kept their tires properly inflated it would save around 2 billion dollars in gas every year.

Another way to use less gas and release fewer emissions is by replacing the radiator caps.  New radiator caps allow the cooling system to operate at a higher temperature before boiling over, which allows the system to run more efficiently, reducing emissions.

An often overlooked way to use less gas is by making your car lighter.  Clean out the trash and empty the trunk.  The less miscellaneous stuff you are carrying around the lighter your car will be, and the less gas you will have to burn.


It has been said time and again, yet it still rings true, carpooling is the easiest way to save on gas and help protect the environment.  No matter if you drive with coworkers to your job, with friends to a weekend getaway, or with your family to dinner on the town even, every little bit will help.  With rotating whose turn it is to drive, you can make sure that everyone saves on gas and helps out the planet at the same time.
Cada uno de nosotros utiliza un auto casi diariamente. Y precisamente por esto, debería ser una de las primeras cosas en la deberíamos esforzarnos y convertir la actividad en ‘verde.’ Aunque todo lo que escuchamos es relacionado con la contaminación del ambiente y la capa de ozono, ayudar a minimizar este efecto es más fácil de lo que usted piensa.
Permítanos sugerirle estos consejos que le ayudaran a convertir su auto en un vehículo ‘verde,’ y ahorrar un poco de dinero en el proceso.

Maneje su auto de manera inteligente

Una de las maneras más fáciles en que usted puede contribuir a la reducción de la contaminación es conducir inteligentemente: Observando el límite de velocidad, que no solo lo mantiene a salvo, sino que le ayuda a consumir menos gasolina; combinando sus viajes diarios, que le evitaría viajar de ida y vuelta a casa, cuando tiene necesidad de salir a hacer sus compras, o algún otro menester.

Si va a tomar un viaje largo, utilice el control de velocidad, o cruise control, que le ayudara a mantener la misma velocidad; también evite la aceleración de su auto en forma repentina después de haber parado ante algún semáforo. Estas simples medidas le ayudaran a ahorrar gasolina y convertirán su auto en un vehículo eficiente; verde.

Permita la entrada de la brisa

Esta es la temporada ideal del año para apagar el aire acondicionado y abrir las ventanas. Durante estos meses de calor, permita que el aire se desplace y enfríe su auto de manera natural. La otra medida que puede tomar, es estacionarse bajo la sombra; que mantendrá su auto fresco mientras usted no lo está utilizando, minimizando el tiempo en que el aire acondicionado estará prendido cuando usted regrese. Limitar el uso del aire acondicionado ahorra gasolina y preserva nuestras reservas de energía.

Dele mantenimiento a su auto

Mantener su auto en buen estado y funcionamiento le ahorrara gasolina, y le ayudara a ser mas ‘verde.’
Asegúrese que la presión de los neumáticos sea la indicada a su tipo; esto evitara la cantidad de emisiones producidas. Si cada persona mantuviera sus neumáticos correctamente inflados, se ahorrarían alrededor de 2 mil millones de dólares anuales en el consumo de gasolina. Otra forma de dejar escapar menos emisiones es reemplazando las tapas del radiador. Esto permite que el sistema de enfriado opere a temperaturas más altas antes de sobre calentarse, lo que hace que el sistema funcione de manera más eficiente, reduciendo nuevas emisiones.

Algo a lo que no ponemos atención, es al peso que cargamos en nuestro auto; si vaciáramos la cajuela y la basura, nuestro vehículo será más ligero, evitando quemar gasolina innecesaria.

Comparta su auto

Se ha dicho de manera repetitiva, y muy cierta, que el uso compartido de un auto es la manera más fácil de ahorrar gasolina y ayudar a proteger el medio ambiente. Sin importar si usted maneja con compañeros de trabajo, con sus amigos, en camino a un viaje por el fin de semana, o con su familia a cenar fuera, cada mínimo esfuerzo cuenta. Si usted contribuye a la rotación de quien maneje en estos viajes colectivos, no solo ayudara al ahorro de gasolina consumida, sino al bienestar de nuestro planeta.

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