Traditionally homeowners have used wood mulch around flower beds and gardens. However, as rubber tire recycling and its products become more mainstream, rubber mulch is gaining popularity. Whether you are looking for a product to use in your own yard or offer to your customers, rubber mulch is worth investigating. Keep reading to find out where others are using the product.

Rubber Mulch for Gardens and Landscaping

Rubber mulch is made from recycled rubber. It is most often used in gardens and landscaping.

To make money, you can offer this [mulch] to homeowners, gardening enthusiasts, and landscape artists as an alternative to wood mulches.

If you’re a homeowner with an outdoor garden, you can save money by using rubber mulch.

Pro tip: Rubber mulch plus effective organic pest control will make your garden healthier and save you money in the long run.

A Cost-Effective Long-Term Solution

You’ll find that landscaping companies buy lots of [rubber mulch] these days. Customers are requesting it, and landscapers are switching to it because it’s much better for the environment long-term and much more effective at keeping out weeds.

As a homeowner, that last point is especially important. Traditional mulch does a good job of keeping weeds at bay, but [you will] still need to touch up with weed killer, which costs time and money and disrupts your gardening plans. With rubber mulch, you can set it and forget it. It’ll last for years without needing to be replaced.

Dan Bailey

Dan Bailey

Dan Bailey, President of WikiLawn Austin Lawn Care.

Charles McMillan

Charles McMillan

Charles McMillan, Businessman and Founder of Stand With Main Street.

Rubberized Concrete

You can make concrete from rubber mulch. Rubber crumbs collected from tires using a tire shredder are used to create recycled rubber paths. Rubberized concrete decreases crack formation by more than 90% compared to standard concrete, according to research. The polymer fibers used in tire crumbs improve concrete’s resiliency, making it more durable.

If you use the right equipment, this could be a good business and investment.

Rubber Mulch: An Idea Worth Sharing

Rubber mulch sells for a premium because it is trucked from waste collection points, ground (energy and labor expenses), packaged, and then distributed. The producers can purchase more [raw material] and produce more [rubber mulch] if demand exists.

If everyone stopped buying wood mulch, and rubber mulch companies had to produce more, they might be able to adjust the price down. Larger scale could lower their costs. You can post it on social media.

Lucas Travis

Lucas Travis

Lucas Travis, Founder of Inboard Skate.

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