Any person off the street can tell you that life is always busy. Whether we are managing our professional career, our children at home, our calendar of volunteer commitments or an assortment of all of the above, we have places we need to be, and we need to get there as soon as humanly possible. Well, this is no different for people with physical disabilities.
Individuals who are confined to wheelchairs actually need to allow extra time in their busy day due to the fact that many places of business don’t have adequate wheelchair accessible entryways, or they aren’t maintained as well as they should be. Adverse weather conditions may create safety hazards, such as sharp chunks of snow, cracks that can catch thinner wheelchair tires, or slippery surfaces may develop from a recent rainfall.
Fortunately, many ramp pitfalls can be corrected, largely in part thanks to recycled tires. Here are just three ways crumb rubber, a recycled tire byproduct, is truly paving the way for a safer, more accessible path to a busy, manageable lifestyle.
Making Wheelchair-Accessible Ramps Safe and Strong
Recycled rubber tire ramps actually have no load weight limitations, making it the perfect secure and strong material for sturdy ramp ways. Less ideal materials like aluminum, wood or plastic were used in the past, each having significant drawbacks when it came to durability and safety regulations. Rubber accessibility ramps are known for being solid, durable and even slip resistant.
Even the installation process is more cost-effective, since pricey power tools aren’t needed to cut through metal or concrete. Recycled rubber tire ramps also absorb shock extremely well, which allows for bulkier wheelchairs or larger persons to go up and down the ramp worry-free. Yet another bonus? The waterproof material shields against moisture, meaning a nasty spill is a rarity.
Adding Comfort to Workplace Flooring
A common rubber tire byproduct from the recycling process is crumb rubber, which has a myriad of uses. This insulated, shock-absorbent material is often a staple found right beneath our feet. Crumb rubber can be found underneath flooring of all kinds, especially in the workplace.
Employers know that satisfaction in the office means happier employees, so they are willing to add this cushy, durable layer to indoor areas beneath carpet, tile, wood, and more.
Eliminating Cracks in Everyday Surfaces
Just having a wheelchair-accessible ramp isn’t enough; it needs to be maintained for the safety of every single person who uses it, day in and day out. Recycled rubber tire material is often used to add a kind of ‘sealant’ to seal and protect surfaces like asphalt, metal, wood, and more.
You may not have even realized it, but you’ve probably seen this miraculous product in action. It’s extremely helpful when the elementary school’s parking lot no longer looks in disrepair, or the concrete pathway leading up the the hardware store has been smoothed out. Sealed cracks and surfaces mean that people with physical disabilities can get where they need to go.