As tire recycling is becoming more common, recycled rubber products show up in places you might not expect, from playground mulch to roadways and engineering projects. A variety of different industries are beginning to discover ways to benefit from this reusable product. Read more to find out where you can expect to see recycled rubber products show up next.

The Roofing Industry

Recycled tires can be used to make rubber roof shingles. They are lighter than roof shingles made from other materials such as asphalt or slate, and therefore can be transported in greater volume, leading to further cost savings and environmental benefits for roofing supply companies.

Currently, it’s possible to make roof shingles out of 95% recycled rubber. They only require certain additives to make them fireproof.

Fashion, Shoe Manufacturing, Arts & Crafts, and Hospitality industries

Many industries can benefit from tire recycling, and these four industries are on the top of my list.

The fashion industry puts recycled tires to creative use in the production of durable handbags, shoes, and fashion accessories usually showcased on the fashion runways and advertised for sale on e-commerce sites.

The shoe manufacturing industry uses recycled tires mostly in the making of shoe soles. It is a cheap source of rubber, and it is very durable for all kinds of shoe soles and shoes.

The arts & crafts industry creates magic with recycled tires to produce unique and beautiful pieces of art that are sold as artwork for interior decoration and personal use.

The hospitality industry recently started upcycling tires into chairs, tables, and other pieces of furniture. They are used to adorn hotels, restaurants, lounges and also used as props at social events.

Adanna Jideofor

Adanna Jideofor

Adanna Jideofor is a PR Manager for My Speech Class. She’s also an experienced Copywriter, Creative Content Writer, and Voiceover Talent.

Philip Westfall

Philip Westfall

Philip Westfall, Director of Marketing for RVezy.

Energy Production and Rail Industries

A large company that would benefit from tire recycling would be the energy production industry. Tires have been proven time and time again to produce energy like oil and coal. When tires are burned, the fuel is clean, as the process does not produce sulfur.

Another industry to benefit would be the rail industry. Rubber-encased steel is becoming more common in trail tracks, and they are much more durable compared to steel tracks. They can last for up to 90 days, and they are also 200 percent stronger.

5 Industries That Benefit from Recycling Tires

Disposal of tires is a crucial concern today. Leaving it to nature can cause hazardous problems to natural resources and degrade the quality of land. Hollow and heavy tires are also tossed in abandoned lands to accumulate and become home to various mosquitoes and [disease-carrying insects]. Since burning tires is also not an option, recycling them seems viable and also benefits multiple industries. These industries include:

Construction Industry
Tires can be reused in constructing railway lines to reduce vibrations and as a component in construction material used to lay running tracks and playgrounds.

Cement Kilns/Paper and Pulp Kilns
Tire-derived fuel (TDF) is used as a supplementary fuel in these industries as it’s cost and energy-efficient.

Chemical Industry
The method used for deriving TDF also generates a few by-products. These by-products could be used to refine chemicals.

Rubber Industry
The solid char residue could be used in the rubber industry as smokeless fuel.

Fashion Industry
The fashion industry uses rubber (manufactured using recycled tires) to make creative handbags, purses, etc.

Miranda Yan

Miranda Yan

Miranda Yan, Co-Founder of VinPit.

Sherry Morgan

Sherry Morgan

Sherry Morgan, Founder of Petsolino.

Manufacturing and Agricultural Industries

This can be in the shoe industry or in the industry that makes pots. There are pots made from tires and so I really think that these, among the many other manufactures, can benefit from tires for when they are recycled.

As I’ve mentioned, tires can be used as pots to plant your crops and many other plants.

Recycled Tires in Paving

The paving industry can benefit from tire recycling. Used tires can go through a recycling process that turns them into small bits to make asphalt. Currently, the main problem is that it’s not a very cost-effective way to pave a roadway.

Anytime new technology becomes established, it tends to be costly. As demand for the product increases, engineers often find ways to improve the product and cut costs. If that happens in tire recycling, the paving industry may be drastically improved.

Melanie Musson

Melanie Musson

Melanie Musson is a vehicle expert with

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