Gregg Cantor
Rubber Mulch
One of the best uses for recycled tires is rubber mulch. It’s used for landscape ground cover and under children’s play equipment.
Rubber mulch is very cost-effective (free in some areas) and comes in many different colors. Depending on the quantity, you can expect to pay .25 – .50 cents per pound. For proper coverage, the surface depth should be 1 ½ – 2 inches with ½ – 5/8 inches granules and chunks.
Here are the benefits of rubber mulch:
- Conserves water
- Reduces bug and rodent infestation
- Will not decompose or compress
- Rainproof and will not wash or blow away in storms
- Adds color and texture to landscaping
- Can last over 20 years – Guaranteed not to fade for 12 years
Old-Fashioned Tire Swings
I made some good old-fashioned tire swings out of old tires! I put one in my backyard and gave the rest to some friends and family. These are surprisingly easy to make, and they are a classic favorite. My family had one in our backyard growing up, so it was nostalgic for me to make one again.
Jeremy Yamaguchi
Robert Johnson
Bathroom Mirror
Recycling tires is nothing new, especially in our family. We all love recycling and all those DIY things. We already have our garden full of recycled tires from planters to outdoor seats and tables. And the new addition to the tire family in our house is the bathroom mirror. I cut the tire in half maintaining its circular form, spray painted it gold, and then put the mirror in it, mounting it to the wall. It looks classy.
Planter, Dog Bed, and Side Table
Aside from properly recycling, you can also make DIY tire projects. We had some old tires a few years ago and made them into something useful. I made a planter and a dog bed out of our old tires. There are a lot of DIY projects that you can check online. You can get creative. Just a few months ago, I [turned an old tire] into a side table for our patio and even my neighbors noticed it. You got rid of your old tire but gained cool stuff at the same time.
Sylvie Coleman
Johnathan Smith
Pet Beds
If you do not want to get rid of the tires in your garage, why not improvise and create something new out of them? One thing that you could make using tires is a pet bed. Pet beds are like couches specifically made to be used by your furry pets such as cats and dogs when they want to just chill. Tires vary in size, and depending on the size of your pet, you could easily put foam in it because tires are normally flexible. The outcome will be so satisfying if you exert a good amount of creativity and resourcefulness.
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