If you are like most American households, you most likely have at least two vehicles sitting in your garage (or they’re parked outside the garage because you don’t have any room for them). And, as the colder season approaches, you may be preparing to switch out your cars’ weather-beaten tires for sturdier, safer snow tires. This is common practice, and a good one to continue with.
However, the car mechanic experts may drop a financial bombshell on you at the time of service: Your old tires aren’t worth holding onto any more. Now, you could just let the auto shop take care of the treadless and torn rubber tires, but why not make the most of them? You paid for those tires, dangit, so you may as well use them as long as possible, even if they aren’t holding up your family van.
Here’s a genius thought: Throw those old rubber tires outside! With a little work and planning, large rubber tires can become the backbone to a visually pleasing backyard and garden area for the entire family to enjoy in the spring. And it will cost mere pennies to do, or nothing at all if you already have some extra building materials on hand.
Fashion Individual Planters
One idea we have come up with is creating individual planters in your backyard. Lay out a tarp, place the tires on top, spray paint with your favorite hue, and you’re done! Spare tires make for great individual gardening planters for plants, flowers and trees.
Use old tires to keep fruits and vegetables like snap peas, tomatoes and strawberries segregated for better growing, as well as a way to identify which plants they are. Use several tires for an easy, convenient garden next to the patio, or organize your entire suburban farm with them. If you are feeling creative, try putting together a simple geometric pattern to break up the stringent, straight lines.
Put Together a Pond
If you have always liked the idea of inviting some little water-friendly friends to the scene, might we suggest putting together a small pond? The pond’s circumference can be as small as an old bike tire or as large as a tractor tire you find on Craigslist for free. Of course, traditional car tires would be most manageable.
Minus the actual ‘digging in the dirt’ aspect, creating your pond is superbly simple. With a sturdy shovel, dig out a hole slightly wider and just as deep as the depth of the tire itself. Place the tire in the pit, cover with a heavy duty, clear plastic sheeting, and then line the outside with the rocks of your choosing. Fill in gaps as needed, then fill it up.
Assemble a Sandbox
And now for the easiest idea of all-a sandbox for the kids. Find a spot in the yard that offers some shade to prevent sunburns and make sure the ground is level (dirt or grass is fine). Lay the large tire out, then dump in your sandbox sand! This simple addition will guarantee more outdoor play time, encouraging both thrift and creativity.