What kind of businesses usually buy scrap tires?

What kind of businesses usually buy scrap tires?

Have you ever wondered what happens to tires when they become unusable? Well, ideally, they are recycled to avoid polluting the environment. But who recycles them? What kind of businesses buy scrap tires, and what do they do with them? Read on for all the answers....
7 Counterintuitive Ideas For Running a Sustainable Business

7 Counterintuitive Ideas For Running a Sustainable Business

Imagine walking into an aromatic cafe. You order a meal to take away and are asked if you brought your own container. You haven’t, but you’re not shamed for this. They have some to use. The checkout attendant is friendly and attentive, unlike so many...
Spare Parts in Tire Recycling Lines are Invaluable

Spare Parts in Tire Recycling Lines are Invaluable

There you are, enjoying your leisurely Sunday afternoon ride along the waterfront. The day is sunny, and you can’t help but smile as you cruise. All of a sudden, you hear a sound like an aggressive sigh. Pppsssssshhh! The handlebars weave side to side, and everything...
5 Ways to Build a Profitable Tire Shredder Business

5 Ways to Build a Profitable Tire Shredder Business

Making money in the business world often comes down to playing to your strengths and personality. Think of your life outside work. What do you like to do with a free weekend? Activities might include: Hiking in the mountains Building something fun in your backyard...
Is Recycled Tire Playground Mulch Safe for Kids?

Is Recycled Tire Playground Mulch Safe for Kids?

If you’re a parent, you know that worrying comes from the territory, especially as they explore the world around them. First, they walk, and before you know it, they are running, jumping, and climbing out of reach. We do all we can to make their world safe, including...