Reshingle the Right Way: 3 Reasons for Using Recycled Tire Shingles

There is no end for uses when it comes to recycled tires. Manufacturers who specialize in green products are coming up with new uses all the time. One such product that is growing in popularity as environmental awareness increases is housing shingles made from recycled tires. These shingles are cost effective, durable and great for the environment.

Rubber roofing is a much more cost-effective option than cedar or even asphalt. While asphalt may at the time be about the same price up front, at best manufacturers give the product a 10-year warranty, meaning you would have to replace it three times as often. Getting any roofing quotes can be tricky because it is very specific to what you need done, but overall the price is significantly lower with a rubber roof than almost anything else. For example, cedar roofing averages $9,000-$10,000 on the lower end and up to $15,000 on the higher end for a typical 2,000 square foot house. That equates out to about $6 dollars per square foot of roofing. Rubber, on the other hand, starts at around $3,500 and goes up to $7,500 making it on average less than $3 dollars per square foot. The difference is significant, cutting the cost by almost 50%.

One of the greatest advantages to rubber roofing is its durability. Because of the nature of the material, these roofs are remarkably resilient to deformation and cracking. Their thickness creates incredible insulation to heat as well as sound. It is also fire resistant because of aluminum trihydrate that is added while the shingles are being treated. Additionally, the shingles are water resistant. This allows them to perform especially well in the rain and the snow. Add to this the fact that these roofs have a 30-year warranty and can be made to look like higher end roofing, and you’ve got a fantastic product.

Environmentally Friendly
The manufacturing process of tires is a relatively simple one. First, the tires are purchased, usually for about $5-$6 dollars a piece. The tires are then cut into small fragments of what they once were. Once in chunks or fragments, they undergo another process that changes them into small granules. They then enter a cleaning process that rids them of nylon wastes and steel. After that, it’s back through the granulation process and through a treatment process that allows them to be reshaped. Part of the treatment process involves the rubber being treated with chemicals that makes it fire resistant. After all the treatment is done, the rubber is heated, allowing it to form into the shape of shingles.

Recycled tires have a number of uses, and rubber shingles are one of the most useful of these options. They are the ideal roofing material because of their cost effectiveness, durability, and eco-friendly properties.

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