In our attempts to recycle, we can be hasty in assuming it is the best way. Is it the best way when it comes to asphalt? Some fellow recyclers and drivers weighed in with their opinions comparing and contrasting rubberized asphalt and traditional asphalt. Keep reading to find out what the consensus between them is.

Rubberized Asphalt is Smooth and Flexible

Adding rubber to asphalt makes roads bendier, so they don’t crack or get potholes. It’s like giving the road a flexibility, which means it stays smooth for longer and needs less fixing. Having shock absorbers in the road makes your drive smoother and safer. It’s good for the environment because it reuses old tires that would not sit in landfills. When you drive on these roads, you’re not just getting from one place to another but also helping to recycle and keeping our streets in better shape for everyone.

Rubberized Asphalt is More Cost-effective

Rubberized AC has proven to be more cost-effective in its application. It is laid in thinner overlays, compared to the traditional AC, causing a significant reduction in the material used. Moreover, it is durable, about 50% longer lasting than its competitor.

RAC is designed to resist cracking, offers better skid resistance, and through its manufacture, there is reduced tire waste pollution. Overall, the final road product features improvements such as reduced thermal cracking, deformation, potholing, and ice formation.

On the flip side, there are some drawbacks to using this AC. The main one is seen right from the preparation process, where there is non-homogeneity between the crumb rubber and asphalt. This results in a reduction of the expected lifespan of the RAC and the reliability of product properties.

Granted, there are disadvantages to using this type of asphalt, but the cons outweigh the pros, making it a better option.

Laura Rotich

Laura Rotich

Writer and Editor of Explore Ride.
Tim Connon

Tim Connon

Founder of ParamountQuote.

Rubberized Asphalt Makes More Durable Pavement

Rubberized asphalt is better than traditional asphalt because it makes more durable pavement. This means it will not crack easily. It also helps the environment by reusing the old tires rather than letting them waste. Rubberized asphalt is very elastic which means the road becomes much more safe. The problem is it costs more, but since it is eco-friendly and arguably much more resilient than regular asphalt, it is the better choice.

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