The first step in recycling waste car and truck tires is shredding the whole tires into smaller pieces. Cutting through the hard rubber, steel wires, and fabric in the tires all at once is a challenging task. Buying a high-quality primary shredder that can handle the job efficiently is essential, as delays or downtime at this initial step affect your recycling plant’s efficiency. Keep reading to find out which specs these car experts believe are indicative of a shredder worth owning.

Efficient Shredders Perform Many Tasks

Tires are notorious as one of the most difficult automotive components to dispose of, and the amount of tire waste and scraps are continuing to grow each year. Tire shredding serves as a highly efficient and even lucrative disposal methodology. Businesses can make money off of shredded scrap.

Highly efficient tire shredders will usually incorporate mechanisms for separating rubber and steel pieces to create steel-free scrap ready for commercial repurposing. Efficient tire shredders should require little to no maintenance, low-cost part replacements, and boast high levels of uptime and throughput, running on minimal amounts of horsepower.

Efficiency may also be calculated based on the ratios of how much tire scrap is input proportional to the amount of usable rubber byproduct produced.

A Shredder That Reduces Operating Costs

You should pick a tire shredder that eliminates most of the hard work for you. Some, but not all, have the ability to separate the rubber from the steel, which can greatly reduce the amount of time and effort required [to recycle tires]. A lot of people want to shred tires to help with the environment, so a shredder that reduces heat and operating costs could be beneficial. Some can even turn the rubber into fine granules, as well as being able to remove almost all tire fiber.

Michael Lowe

Michael Lowe

Michael Lowe, CEO at Car Passionate. Growing up in the Phoenix area, Michael spent many days of his childhood working on old cars with his father in the garage.

Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith

Ryan Smith, Owner of an organic pest control business.

Machine Quality

When it comes to tire shredder, you’ll know the efficiency of one by looking at the machine quality. Depending on the machine quality, your tire shredder will make the recycling process highly efficient—achieving excellent shredding performance and ensuring work continuity.

Tyre shredders

As the name suggests, a tyre shredder is a machine that breaks down old and worn tyres, which can be recycled and reused in cars, in construction, and many other industries and products. Disposing of tyres correctly is important, as improper disposal of tyres can be extremely harmful to the environment.

How does it work?

A tyre shredder has sharp rotating blades that slice the whole tyre into chunks. Once a tyre is dropped onto the blades, the tyre gets caught, being cut into pieces. The pieces can be put through again to create a finer rubber product. These pieces can then be used in various parts of a car. It can also be used to create playground surfaces and roads.

What should I look for in a tyre shredder?

Durability and strength. Of course, a tyre shredder will need to be able to break down the hard rubber effectively, and ideally, the shredder should stand the test of time.

Seren Kiremitcioglu

Seren Kiremitcioglu, Social & Digital PR Executive at Scrap Car Comparison.

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