The Many Uses of Recycled Rubber

If you think the best use of rubber is for your car tires, then think again! Secondary rubber products are used in many everyday products and places. You might be surprised to learn about the different industries using recycled rubber products. For recyclers that need a new revenue stream, selling recycled rubber to manufacturers of secondary rubber products can be a great way to generate new revenue. Remanufacturing a better product out of recycled rubber has really grown to be its own industry in recent years. Recycling companies can take advantage of this industry through Eco Green Equipment turnkey rubber recycling equipment.

There are many products and uses for recycled rubber, and some of them are more common place than you might think. Many are found right in the same places the old tires were used in as well, like parking lot wheel stops and speed bumps.  Here are a few other places you will find secondary rubber products:

Playground mulch – soft rubber chips used in most school grounds today help protect children during play

Patio Umbrellas – no more ripping and tearing your patio umbrella in a wind storm. Recycled tires are now being made into weighted stands and waterproof umbrellas for your patio.

Bumpers – these come in all shapes and sizes and uses– from shipping docks and boat docks to wheel chocks, door stops and wedges.

Fitness flooring – protecting you and the ground you just dropped that weight on is probably some type of recycled rubber mat.

Animal mats – nothing says water proof or urine proof like rubber. You will find these in many homes and even in equestrian parks and facilities.

Asphalt additive – once again another application where tires meet the recycled tires.

Secondary rubber products manufacturers use different types of recycled rubber to produce these and other secondary rubber products. Most can be derived from old tires. Here are a few of these recycled rubber products that are used to make new secondary rubber products:

  1. Rubber chips – our Eco Green tire recycling plants make clean cut consistent sized rubber chips.
  2. Wire free rubber mulch – sometimes the most useful and most difficult to produce, our wire free rubber mulch is just that: WIRE FREE. Safe to use or turn into different products without cleaning wire out.
  3. Contaminant free rubber granules – you will find the rubber granules made by our Eco Green plants to be only of the highest grade. The same that are used in the football, soccer, and other athletic fields sporting artificial turf.

Our Eco Green tire recycling plants make only the best easy-to-use recycled rubber for secondary rubber products manufacturers. Because of the consistency produced by our plants these manufacturers can use the recycled tire products immediately without needing to prepare the recycled rubber before manufacturing. Helping you make your clients happier and more productive is easy with our Eco Green Equipment tire recycling plants.

Most innovative solution in tire recycling!

EcoGreen just shred it

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