Recycling Equipment

Plastic products have become integral to modern life, but their convenience comes at a significant environmental cost. Initially developed in the early 1900s to reduce reliance on limited natural resources, plastics have now become a pervasive and overwhelming problem worldwide. At ECO Green Equipment, we are committed to providing recyclers with advanced plastic recycling equipment to address this issue effectively.

The Magnitude of Plastic Waste

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) the United States generated over 35 million US tons of plastic waste in 2018. Of this, only 3.09 million tons were recycled, and 5.62 million tons were incinerated for energy production, leaving an astonishing 26.97 million tons to end up in landfills. This scenario is not unique to the United States; countries globally are struggling with the challenge of managing used plastic products.

The demand for high-quality recycling equipment from trusted plastic recycling machine manufacturers is growing, and ECO Green Equipment is dedicated to meeting this need.

The Environmental Impact of Plastics

Plastics, synthetic materials that do not occur in nature, have been engineered to replace natural products and perform their functions as well or better. They are versatile, long-lasting, and can be molded into various shapes, making them ideal for a multitude of products. While the overabundance of plastic bottle waste sits center stage in the spotlight, plastic waste takes many forms, including packaging, electronics, storage containers, outdoor furniture, building materials, cars, and medical supplies. However, this versatility also brings significant environmental challenges:

  • Non-biodegradable: Plastics do not decompose or break down naturally. As more plastic waste accumulates, it persists in the environment, creating long-term waste management issues.
  • Pollution: Plastic waste is increasingly found in unintended places, such as oceans, where floating garbage patches are growing. The chemicals in plastics can contaminate land, water, and food sources.
  • Recycling Challenges: Unlike glass, aluminum, and paper products, plastics are more difficult to recycle. The varying types of plastics complicate the process, often leading to plastics being disposed of in municipal solid waste (MSW) instead of being recycled by a plastic waste recycling machine.

The Solution: ECO Green Equipment

Replacing plastic entirely is a daunting task, making plastic recycling crucial for the planet’s future and our health. ECO Green Equipment is here to help improve plastic recycling through innovative solutions:

  • Education: Increasing public awareness about the importance of recycling all types of plastics can reduce the amount ending up in landfills.
  • Accessibility: By providing more recycling plants with advanced plastic recycling equipment, we can make recycling more accessible and encourage more people to recycle.
  • Advancement: Our continuous evaluation and improvement of recycling machinery ensure that recycling processes become more efficient and cost-effective.

Advanced Plastic Recycling Equipment

Recycling plastic involves breaking it down into manageable pieces before further processing. ECO Green Equipment offers a range of plastic recycling equipment designed to handle various types of plastic waste efficiently:

  • Plastic Shredders: Our shredders can handle all kinds of plastics, from bottles and plastic ware to rigid storage crates and playground equipment. Plastic bottle shredders are a top choice for recycling pliable water bottles. Dual-shaft shredders significantly increase shredding efficiency, providing a robust foundation for the recycling process.
  • Plastic Grinders: Plastic grinder machines reduce the size of plastic waste into smaller pieces, preparing it for washing and granulation. Grinders are ideal for recycling byproducts from manufacturing plants.
  • Plastic Crushers: Plastic crushers offer control over the output size, producing plastic granules of specific sizes or shapes. They are ideal for creating high-quality recycled material from hollow plastic materials.
  • Plastic Granulators: Once plastic is shredded and ground, our plastic granulators further reduce it into uniformly-sized granules, ready for washing and further processing.
  • Plastic Chippers: Made with large, rigid plastic waste in mind, plastic chippers use hammers or blades to break away smaller pieces of plastic for further processing.

Ensuring Quality and Efficiency

Before the plastic granules can be melted into new products, they need to be washed to remove contaminants, improving the quality of the new plastic and reducing energy consumption. Other essential equipment includes:

  • Separators: These sort materials by shape, size, or optical properties.
  • Conveyors: They move materials between different pieces of recycling machinery.
  • Screeners and Magnets: These are crucial for removing unwanted materials and ensuring the purity of the recycled plastic.

The ECO Green Difference

Choosing the right equipment is critical for the success of a recycling plant. ECO Green Equipment aims to provide our clients with innovative, durable, and reliable recycling equipment to give our clients the best tools to help them be successful in their recycling businesses. As demand for plastic recycling continues to grow worldwide, so does the demand for high-quality and efficient plastic recycling equipment. The equipment you choose will be a significant investment in your business and its future. ECO Green Equipment offers:


With over 12 years in the industry, we understand our clients’ needs and design equipment to exceed their expectations. Whether you are new to recycling or a seasoned expert, our machinery can be an excellent choice to establish or expand your recycling business.


At ECO Green, we believe that improving recycling equipment and processes will help our clients run successful businesses. Our continuous improvement in the design, maintenance, and operation of our plastic recycling machines for sale helps ensure our machines are efficient and effective.


Our durable plastic recycling equipment minimizes downtime, ensuring profitability. ECO Green strives to improve the durability of the parts used in every piece of machinery. Additionally, our machinery allows easy access to wearable parts through maintenance doors, reducing operational downtime for routine maintenance.


The profitability of your business is dependent on your ability to produce and sell an excellent product for less. Our machines deliver high efficiency with low energy demands, helping businesses thrive.

Your Global Recycling Partner

Whether shredding municipal waste to produce alternative energy sources or searching for the best waste plastic bottle recycling machine to reduce plastic waste in landfills, ECO Green can help you find the best equipment for your recycling business. ECO Green Equipment is committed to providing the best recycling equipment for businesses worldwide. Whether you are recycling municipal waste or focusing on plastic waste, our team of recycling specialists is ready to assist you. Choose ECO Green Equipment for innovative, reliable, and cost-effective recycling solutions that help solve the world’s growing plastic problem.