Recycling Equipment

During the 1800s, biomass was the source of most of the energy used in the United States. Burning wood heated homes, cooked meals, and provided light. However, energy needs have changed over the past two hundred years, and fossil fuels now reign supreme as the primary source of energy. Biomass only provided 5% of energy consumed in the US in 2023, leading the country to export the excess biomass for energy production overseas.

While biomass energy consumption has declined significantly over time, the energy available in biomass waste increases as the amount of discarded biomass waste grows each year. At ECO Green Equipment, we build biomass recycling equipment to support companies tapping into this expansive energy reserve to help meet the world’s energy needs without harvesting fossil fuels.

Why Create Fuel From Waste

Biomass waste is a broad term that encompasses a variety of organic waste from plants and animals, which can be a source of energy when burned or converted to biofuel. Sources of biomass waste include wood, agriculture and yard waste, food scraps, cotton, animal waste, and fats from vegetables and animals. Just like the carbon-based coal and petroleum we harvest from the Earth, these organic substances contain energy. When landfilled, this energy is lost. The biomass decomposes, releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

When processed using a biomass shredder, recycled biomass waste becomes a powerful source of renewable energy. The carbon contained in this living matter is newly absorbed from the soil and atmosphere. Thus, burning it to create energy only returns pre-existing carbon compounds to the environment, where they are absorbed by trees and other plants, effectively reducing overall carbon emissions to a net zero.

Biomass recycling leverages the energy in this waste as a reliable source of energy, unlocking its potential to power our lives and reduce the organic waste in landfills. Best of all, it reduces our dependence on fossil fuels and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, a goal we at ECO Green support wholeheartedly.

Unlocking the Energy in Biomass

Our bodies are masters of creating energy from the food we eat. Whether we eat it or not, the food around us contains energy in the form of calories that we can use for other purposes. This includes food waste such as banana peels, corn cobs, and other fibrous materials we can’t digest. However, food waste recycling equipment can help unlock the energy stored in this food waste to produce energy.

It is unfortunate that one-fifth of the food produced for consumption is wasted. The precious resources used to grow this food and the calories contained in it are not lost when processed into biomass fuel using a food waste shredder from ECO Green. Through recycling food waste can become fuel to produce electricity for heating and cooling or fuel for vehicles.

Biomass waste comes from various sources and can include a wide range of materials, including:

  • Food and yard waste collected with municipal solid waste (MSW)
  • Discarded food and oils from restaurants
  • Unharvested vegetation remaining on farms after harvest
  • Wood remnants at a construction site
  • Manure on a dairy ranch
  • Much more

Due to impurities and the inconsistent shape and size of particles, unprocessed biomass waste is not a useful source of energy. Recyclers must process the waste to prepare it for use in energy production. Used by our clients to process a variety of waste products from tractor tires to MSW, organic waste recycling machines from ECO Green can efficiently shred and prepare waste for use in biomass power plants.

The ECO Green Advantage

We believe that the future of the world depends on our ability to develop and implement innovative waste to energy solutions. Biomass is an excellent source of energy, largely disposed of in landfills, that could power our homes and cities. With the help of ECO Green’s biomass recycling equipment, recycling companies worldwide can process this organic waste into a readily usable form of energy enabling power plants to switch from coal to biomass fuel, reducing their carbon footprint and generating cleaner energy.

Wise Investment

Your recycling equipment is a significant investment in your business’s future. Building your recycling line with ECO Green organic waste grinders and shredding equipment can help ensure your equipment can handle any job you give it. The wearable parts in our recycling machines are designed to be long-lasting, helping you minimize downtime and maintenance needs.


As the face of recycling changes, so should the equipment you use. ECO Green Equipment has two fingers on the pulse of the recycling industry and consistently strives to improve it to ensure our equipment is at the cutting edge. We want our clients to know they can count on us to provide the most up-to-date machinery and equipment to help them adjust to the changing recycling landscape.


You count on your biomass grinders and shredders to churn through truckloads of organic waste to produce a salable product. This near-constant use puts pressure on frontline parts, such as blades. At ECO Green, we design these parts from durable materials to ensure they perform well for as long as possible between services.


ECO Green knows that the cost of operating and maintaining your recycling machines can eat into your profits. Providing our clients with machines that process more waste while consuming less energy helps keep you in the black.


Streamlining maintenance can make a recycling plant more efficient by minimizing downtime. Recycling equipment from ECO Green has maintenance access doors and easy-to-remove parts to make upkeep easier and faster.


Initially designed to process the toughest tires in the world, ECO Green’s equipment can tackle just about anything you can feed it.

Worldwide Support

ECO Green Equipment is part of a global community of recyclers. Waste is not a problem unique to any one country. The need for skilled and efficient recycling facilities exists all around the world. No matter where you are, ECO Green can be your dedicated recycling partner. Our bilingual team is familiar with various cultures and has experience helping clients integrate our equipment into their facilities in many countries. We can help you, too.

As countries around the world, including the United States, Sweden, the UK, and Austria, begin to embrace the potential of biomass waste as a significant energy source, many more have plans to expand their production of this energy source to reduce carbon emissions. Net zero is the goal.

The future of biomass recycling is bright, and ECO Green Equipment is excited to offer biomass recycling equipment to support the efforts of countries and businesses worldwide in leveraging this renewable energy source. Find out how you can partner with ECO Green to create biomass fuel and be a part of the solution to global climate change.